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High profile guests to attend 2014 Freiburg Summit

Hits:1035      Addtime:2014-09-18 23:22:53

WGDO is delighted to confirm the attendance of some of the high profile participants to the 2014 World Green Design Forum, which is to be held in Freiburg Germany on the 20th of October. Total of 15 countries will be represented by over 200 participants in the main forum and the four sub-forums. The theme of the conference, Green City Motivates Green Civilization, attracts a wide range of green design, energy and business experts to join the conference. The topics of the sub-forums have been confirmed to be Green Investment, Green Building, Green Transportation, and Renewable Energy. The conference agenda also includes the World Green Design Award Ceremony and a Networking event.

Councellor of the State council Mr Shi Dinghuan leads the Chinese delegation of renewable energy in the Freiburg Summit. As an honoured Co-Chairman of the World Green Design Forum, he will be giving an address in the opening ceremony of the summit. Mr Shi has been responsible for the strategies and policies for energy, science and technology management in China, with great influence on the Eight, Ninth and Tenth Five-Year-Plans. Mr Shi’s attendance in the forum will provide an insight to the green technology and energy, and the possibilities for international cooperation between China and Europe.

Liu Xiaokan, the Vice-Chairman of the Beijing Association for Science and Technology (BAST), will represent one of the largest scientific institutions of China in Freiburg. BAST currently has 196 municipal societies and foundations, 16 district and country ASTs, and 327 primary level organisations with a total number of members exceeding 400 thousand. In the Freiburg Summit Mr Liu will introduce the work of several primary level enterprises, public institutions, economic and technological development zones and science parks under the umbrella of BAST.

The Chinese delegation of green investment in Freiburg will be lead by Mr Zhu Jianchang. He is the secretary general of the China Culture Industry Investment Fund (CCIIF), which has the financial scale of RMB 20 billion. Mr Zhu works to promote cultural communication between Chinese and foreign companies. He has wide international media connections through past cooperation with media such as Propeller TV in London, Melbourne TV Station C31, etc. Mr Zhu’s is interested in further enhncement of China-Europe business communication through the World Green Design Forum.

The mission of the World Green Design Forum is to raise awareness of environmentally sustainable design, consumption and life style. The promotion of cooperation between Chinese and European businesses in the fields of green design, energy, investment and technology is an essential part of the World Green Design Forum Freiburg Summit.

For all those still fishing to register, the deadline for registration is on the 25th of September.