
浏览次数:885      发布时间:2022-08-10 01:57:35

为积极参与推动实现联合国可持续发展目标,广泛传播绿色设计理念,系统梳理和汇编全球绿色设计经典案例和研究成果, 世界绿色设计组织发起编撰《2022世界绿色设计报告》(以下简称《报告》),《报告》定位为“全球绿色设计年度案例精选”,着眼于全球各个行业领域,收集整理世界上具有先进性、示范性和引领性的案例,并给出权威解读。


To Promote the United Nations sustainable development goals, widely spread green design concept, system comb and compile global green design  cases and research results, the World Green Design Organization compiled the world green design report 2022(hereinafter referred to as the "report"), the report as annual green design "global case selection", focusing on the global various industries, collect the advanced, exemplary and leading cases all over the world , and give authoritative interpretation.


The case collection of the 2022 World Green Design Report has begun. We hope to work with more institutions to participate in the recommended cases and suggestions for the report, and jointly contribute to the realization of green, low-carbon and circular development of human society.


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